Holiday Safety Tips for Your Pets

Holiday Safety Tips for Your Pets

Christmas trees, jingle bells, mistletoe, candles and festive lights! The bright, beautiful, cheerful holiday season is here again. It’s dressing up, feasting and gift-giving time. Make sure you include your pets in your celebrations but do ensure you take the proper...
A Guide to Pet Vaccination

A Guide to Pet Vaccination

You may have heard your veterinarian talking about the importance of getting your pet vaccinated. Often, pet owners are confused about whether or not to get their pets vaccinated and which kind of vaccinations are essential and which types can be optional. Before...
Pet Microchips: All you need to know

Pet Microchips: All you need to know

For more than two decades, microchips have been used by pet owners throughout the world. Statistics have indicated that at least 52% of lost dogs and 38% of lost cats have managed to reunite with their owner thanks to their pet microchips. In the absence of a...